ISO/IEC 19776-3:2007
Information technology -- Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation -- Extensible 3D (X3D) encodings -- Part 3: Compressed binary encoding
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 24
ICS: 35.140
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 ISO/IEC 19776-3:2007 CD-ROM version (en)
CHF 56,00
ISO 9874:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 34/SC 5
ICS: 67.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 fr PDF
CHF 0,00
fr Paper
CHF 0,00
ISO 23553-1:2007
Safety and control devices for oil burners and oil-burning appliances -- Particular requirements -- Part 1: Shut-off devices for oil burners
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 161
ICS: 27.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 96,00
en PDF
CHF 96,00
ISO 10326-1:1992/Amd 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 108/SC 4
ICS: 13.160; 43.020; 53.100; 65.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 16,00
en PDF
CHF 16,00
fr Paper
CHF 16,00
fr PDF
CHF 16,00
ISO 3941:2007
Classification of fires
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 21/SC 2
ICS: 13.220.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 36,00
en PDF
CHF 36,00
ISO 8936:2007
Awnings for leisure accommodation vehicles -- Requirements and test methods
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 83/SC 2
ICS: 43.100; 97.200.30
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 78,00
en PDF
CHF 78,00
fr Paper
CHF 78,00
fr PDF
CHF 78,00
ISO 26202:2007
Magnesium and magnesium alloys -- Magnesium alloys for cast anodes
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 79/SC 5
ICS: 77.120.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
ISO 11565:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 1
ICS: 43.060.50
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
fr Paper
CHF 0,00
fr PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO 16000-9:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 146/SC 6
ICS: 13.040.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
fr Paper
CHF 0,00
fr PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO 1248:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 35/SC 2
ICS: 87.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-10
ISO 2490:2007
Solid (monobloc) gear hobs with tenon drive or axial keyway, 0,5 to 40 module -- Nominal dimensions
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 60/SC 1
ICS: 21.200
Date of publication: 2007-09-19 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 7870-1:2007
Control charts -- Part 1: General guidelines
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 69/SC 4
ICS: 03.120.30
Date of publication: 2007-09-19 en Paper
CHF 84,00
en PDF
CHF 84,00
ISO/IEC 28361:2007
Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Near Field Communication Wired Interface (NFC-WI)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 6
ICS: 35.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-19 en Paper
CHF 90,00
en PDF
CHF 90,00
ISO/TS 15926-4:2007
Industrial automation systems and integration -- Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities -- Part 4: Initial reference data
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 184/SC 4
ICS: 25.040.40; 75.020
Date of publication: 2007-09-19 en Paper
CHF 96,00
en PDF
CHF 96,00
ISO 12579:2007
Timber structures -- Glued laminated timber -- Method of test for shear strength of glue lines
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 165
ICS: 91.080.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 56,00
en PDF
CHF 56,00
ISO 12580:2007
Timber structures -- Glued laminated timber -- Methods of test for glue-line delamination
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 165
ICS: 91.080.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 56,00
en PDF
CHF 56,00
ISO 15614-4:2005/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 44/SC 10
ICS: 25.160.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO 22028-1:2004/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 42
ICS: 37.040.99; 37.100.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd 1:2007
Geometry and shadow
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 176,00
en PDF
CHF 176,00
ISO 28000:2007
Specification for security management systems for the supply chain
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 8
ICS: 47.020.99
Date of publication: 2007-09-21
ISO 15967:2007
Direct reduced iron -- Determination of the tumble and abrasion indices of hot briquetted iron (HBI)
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-24 en Paper
CHF 48,00
en PDF
CHF 48,00
ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 6:2005/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-24 ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 6:2005/Cor 1:2007 CD-ROM version (en)
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO 19072-1:2007
Road vehicles -- Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections -- Part 1: Pocket interface definition
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 3
ICS: 43.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 48,00
en PDF
CHF 48,00
fr Paper
CHF 48,00
fr PDF
CHF 48,00
ISO/IEC 24707:2007
Information technology -- Common Logic (CL): a framework for a family of logic-based languages
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 32
ICS: 35.060
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 176,00
en PDF
CHF 176,00
ISO 9346:2007
Hygrothermal performance of buildings and building materials -- Physical quantities for mass transfer -- Vocabulary
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 163
ICS: 01.060; 27.220
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en,fr Paper
CHF 96,00
en,fr PDF
CHF 96,00
ISO 17510-2:2007
Sleep apnoea breathing therapy -- Part 2: Masks and application accessories
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 121/SC 3
ICS: 11.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 114,00
en PDF
CHF 114,00
fr Paper
CHF 114,00
fr PDF
CHF 114,00
ISO 17510-1:2007
Sleep apnoea breathing therapy -- Part 1: Sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 121/SC 3
ICS: 11.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en PDF
CHF 126,00
en Paper
CHF 126,00
fr Paper
CHF 126,00
fr PDF
CHF 126,00
ISO 19072-2:2007
Road vehicles -- Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections -- Part 2: Test methods and general performance requirements
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 3
ICS: 43.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 96,00
en PDF
CHF 96,00
fr Paper
CHF 96,00
fr PDF
CHF 96,00
ISO 19338:2007
Performance and assessment requirements for design standards on structural concrete
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 71/SC 4
ICS: 91.080.40
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 72,00
en PDF
CHF 72,00
fr Paper
CHF 72,00
fr PDF
CHF 72,00
ISO/IEC TR 11172-5:1998/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-25
ISO 21535:2007
Non-active surgical implants -- Joint replacement implants -- Specific requirements for hip-joint replacement implants
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 150/SC 4
ICS: 11.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-09-26 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 21536:2007
Non-active surgical implants -- Joint replacement implants -- Specific requirements for knee-joint replacement implants
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 150/SC 4
ICS: 11.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-09-26 en Paper
CHF 48,00
en PDF
CHF 48,00
fr Paper
CHF 48,00
fr PDF
CHF 48,00
ISO 21534:2007
Non-active surgical implants -- Joint replacement implants -- Particular requirements
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 150/SC 4
ICS: 11.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-09-26 en Paper
CHF 78,00
en PDF
CHF 78,00
fr Paper
CHF 78,00
fr PDF
CHF 78,00
ISO/IEC TR 14165-117:2007
Information technology -- Fibre Channel -- Part 117: Methodologies for jitter and signal quality (MJSQ)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 25
ICS: 35.200
Date of publication: 2007-09-26 en Paper
CHF 258,00
en PDF
CHF 258,00
ISO 12460-1:2007
Wood-based panels -- Determination of formaldehyde release -- Part 1: Formaldehyde emission by the 1-cubic-metre chamber method
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 89
ICS: 79.060.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en PDF
CHF 96,00
en Paper
CHF 96,00
fr PDF
CHF 96,00
fr Paper
CHF 96,00
ISO 6194-1:2007
Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating elastomeric sealing elements -- Part 1: Nominal dimensions and tolerances
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 131/SC 7
ICS: 23.100.60; 83.140.50
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en Paper
CHF 78,00
en PDF
CHF 78,00
fr Paper
CHF 78,00
fr PDF
CHF 78,00
ISO 5925-1:2007
Fire tests -- Smoke-control door and shutter assemblies -- Part 1: Ambient- and medium-temperature leakage tests
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 92/SC 2
ICS: 13.220.20; 13.220.50; 91.060.50
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 72,00
en Paper
CHF 72,00
ISO 22662:2007
Milk and milk products -- Determination of lactose content by high-performance liquid chromatography (Reference method)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 34/SC 5
ICS: 67.100.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 23815-1:2007
Cranes -- Maintenance -- Part 1: General
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 96/SC 5
ICS: 53.020.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 48,00
en Paper
CHF 48,00
fr PDF
CHF 48,00
fr Paper
CHF 48,00
ISO 23813:2007
Cranes -- Training of appointed persons
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 96/SC 5
ICS: 03.100.30; 53.020.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-13
ISO/TS 22475-3:2007
Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Sampling methods and groundwater measurements -- Part 3: Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third party
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 182/SC 1
ICS: 03.100.30; 03.120.20; 93.020
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 13628-11:2007
Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Design and operation of subsea production systems -- Part 11: Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 67/SC 4
ICS: 75.180.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en Paper
CHF 258,00
en PDF
CHF 258,00
ISO/IEC TR 24741:2007
Information technology -- Biometrics tutorial
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 37
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 154,00
en PDF
CHF 154,00
ISO 24535:2007
Intelligent transport systems -- Automatic vehicle identification -- Basic electronic registration identification (Basic ERI)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 204
ICS: 03.220.20; 35.240.60
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en PDF
CHF 72,00
en Paper
CHF 72,00
ISO 20712-2:2007
Water safety signs and beach safety flags -- Part 2: Specifications for beach safety flags -- Colour, shape, meaning and performance
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 145/SC 2
ICS: 01.080.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 56,00
en Paper
CHF 56,00
ISO 14397-1:2007
Earth-moving machinery -- Loaders and backhoe loaders -- Part 1: Calculation of rated operating capacity and test method for verifying calculated tipping load
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 127/SC 1
ICS: 53.100
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 90,00
en PDF
CHF 90,00
fr Paper
CHF 90,00
fr PDF
CHF 90,00
ISO 14397-2:2007
Earth-moving machinery -- Loaders and backhoe loaders -- Part 2: Test method for measuring breakout forces and lift capacity to maximum lift height
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 127/SC 1
ICS: 53.100
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 56,00
en PDF
CHF 56,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 16532-2:2007
Paper and board -- Determination of grease resistance -- Part 2: Surface repellency test
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 6/SC 2
ICS: 85.060
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 48,00
en PDF
CHF 48,00
fr Paper
CHF 48,00
fr PDF
CHF 48,00
ISO 22034-1:2007
Steel wire and wire products -- Part 1: General test methods
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 17/SC 17
ICS: 77.140.65
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 56,00
en PDF
CHF 56,00
ISO 22034-2:2007
Steel wire and wire products -- Part 2: Tolerances on wire dimensions
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 17/SC 17
ICS: 77.140.65
Date of publication: 2007-09-18
ISO 15529:2007
Optics and photonics -- Optical transfer function -- Principles of measurement of modulation transfer function (MTF) of sampled imaging systems
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 172/SC 1
ICS: 17.180.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en Paper
CHF 108,00
en PDF
CHF 108,00
fr Paper
CHF 108,00
fr PDF
CHF 108,00
ISO 22555:2007
Ships and marine technology -- Propeller pitch indicators
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 8/SC 6
ICS: 47.020.70
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 48,00
en Paper
CHF 48,00
ISO 22554:2007
Ships and marine technology -- Propeller shaft revolution indicators -- Electric type and electronic type
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 8/SC 6
ICS: 47.020.70
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 64,00
en Paper
CHF 64,00
ISO 23145-1:2007
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) -- Determination of bulk density of ceramic powders -- Part 1: Tap density
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 206
ICS: 81.060.30
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 48,00
en Paper
CHF 48,00
ISO/TS 11073-92001:2007
Health informatics -- Medical waveform format -- Part 92001: Encoding rules
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 215
ICS: 35.240.80
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 132,00
en PDF
CHF 132,00
ISO 12944-5:2007
Paints and varnishes -- Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems -- Part 5: Protective paint systems
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 35/SC 14
ICS: 87.020
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 114,00
en PDF
CHF 114,00
fr Paper
CHF 114,00
fr PDF
CHF 114,00
ISO 10110-14:2007
Optics and photonics -- Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems -- Part 14: Wavefront deformation tolerance
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 172/SC 1
ICS: 01.100.20; 37.020
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 64,00
en Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
ISO/TS 25377:2007
Hydrometric uncertainty guidance (HUG)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 113
ICS: 17.120.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 154,00
en PDF
CHF 154,00
ISO 11992-2:2003/Amd 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 3
ICS: 43.040.15
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en PDF
CHF 108,00
en Paper
CHF 108,00
ISO 20957-10:2007
Stationary training equipment -- Part 10: Exercise bicycles with a fixed wheel or without freewheel, additional specific safety requirements and test methods
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 83
ICS: 97.220.30
Date of publication: 2007-09-13
ISO 1856:2000/Amd 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 45/SC 4
ICS: 83.100
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 16,00
en Paper
CHF 16,00
fr PDF
CHF 16,00
fr Paper
CHF 16,00
ISO 1893:2007
Refractory products -- Determination of refractoriness under load -- Differential method with rising temperature
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 33
ICS: 81.080
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 72,00
en Paper
CHF 72,00
ISO/IEC 21000-5:2004/Amd 2:2007
DAC (Dissemination And Capture) profile
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 126,00
en PDF
CHF 126,00
ISO/IEC 23004-4:2007
Information technology -- Multimedia Middleware -- Part 4: Resource and quality management
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 146,00
en Paper
CHF 146,00
ISO/IEC 23004-3:2007
Information technology -- Multimedia Middleware -- Part 3: Component model
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 258,00
en Paper
CHF 258,00
ISO/IEC 23004-1:2007
Information technology -- Multimedia Middleware -- Part 1: Architecture
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 216,00
en Paper
CHF 216,00
ISO/IEC 28360:2007
Information technology -- Office equipment -- Determination of chemical emission rates from electronic equipment
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 28
ICS: 37.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en PDF
CHF 120,00
en Paper
CHF 120,00
ISO 3008:2007
Fire-resistance tests -- Door and shutter assemblies
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 92/SC 2
ICS: 13.220.50; 91.060.50
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 146,00
en Paper
CHF 146,00
ISO 13318-2:2007
Determination of particle size distribution by centrifugal liquid sedimentation methods -- Part 2: Photocentrifuge method
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 24/SC 4
ICS: 19.120
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 90,00
en PDF
CHF 90,00
ISO/IEC 18046-3:2007
Information technology -- Radio frequency identification device performance test methods -- Part 3: Test methods for tag performance
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 31
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-13
Information technology -- Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation -- Extensible 3D (X3D) encodings -- Part 3: Compressed binary encoding
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 24
ICS: 35.140
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 ISO/IEC 19776-3:2007 CD-ROM version (en)
CHF 56,00
ISO 9874:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 34/SC 5
ICS: 67.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 fr PDF
CHF 0,00
fr Paper
CHF 0,00
ISO 23553-1:2007
Safety and control devices for oil burners and oil-burning appliances -- Particular requirements -- Part 1: Shut-off devices for oil burners
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 161
ICS: 27.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 96,00
en PDF
CHF 96,00
ISO 10326-1:1992/Amd 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 108/SC 4
ICS: 13.160; 43.020; 53.100; 65.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 16,00
en PDF
CHF 16,00
fr Paper
CHF 16,00
fr PDF
CHF 16,00
ISO 3941:2007
Classification of fires
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 21/SC 2
ICS: 13.220.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 36,00
en PDF
CHF 36,00
ISO 8936:2007
Awnings for leisure accommodation vehicles -- Requirements and test methods
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 83/SC 2
ICS: 43.100; 97.200.30
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 78,00
en PDF
CHF 78,00
fr Paper
CHF 78,00
fr PDF
CHF 78,00
ISO 26202:2007
Magnesium and magnesium alloys -- Magnesium alloys for cast anodes
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 79/SC 5
ICS: 77.120.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
ISO 11565:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 1
ICS: 43.060.50
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
fr Paper
CHF 0,00
fr PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO 16000-9:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 146/SC 6
ICS: 13.040.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en Paper
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
fr Paper
CHF 0,00
fr PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO 1248:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 35/SC 2
ICS: 87.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-10
ISO 2490:2007
Solid (monobloc) gear hobs with tenon drive or axial keyway, 0,5 to 40 module -- Nominal dimensions
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 60/SC 1
ICS: 21.200
Date of publication: 2007-09-19 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 7870-1:2007
Control charts -- Part 1: General guidelines
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 69/SC 4
ICS: 03.120.30
Date of publication: 2007-09-19 en Paper
CHF 84,00
en PDF
CHF 84,00
ISO/IEC 28361:2007
Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Near Field Communication Wired Interface (NFC-WI)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 6
ICS: 35.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-19 en Paper
CHF 90,00
en PDF
CHF 90,00
ISO/TS 15926-4:2007
Industrial automation systems and integration -- Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities -- Part 4: Initial reference data
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 184/SC 4
ICS: 25.040.40; 75.020
Date of publication: 2007-09-19 en Paper
CHF 96,00
en PDF
CHF 96,00
ISO 12579:2007
Timber structures -- Glued laminated timber -- Method of test for shear strength of glue lines
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 165
ICS: 91.080.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 56,00
en PDF
CHF 56,00
ISO 12580:2007
Timber structures -- Glued laminated timber -- Methods of test for glue-line delamination
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 165
ICS: 91.080.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 56,00
en PDF
CHF 56,00
ISO 15614-4:2005/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 44/SC 10
ICS: 25.160.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO 22028-1:2004/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 42
ICS: 37.040.99; 37.100.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd 1:2007
Geometry and shadow
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-20 en Paper
CHF 176,00
en PDF
CHF 176,00
ISO 28000:2007
Specification for security management systems for the supply chain
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 8
ICS: 47.020.99
Date of publication: 2007-09-21
ISO 15967:2007
Direct reduced iron -- Determination of the tumble and abrasion indices of hot briquetted iron (HBI)
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-24 en Paper
CHF 48,00
en PDF
CHF 48,00
ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 6:2005/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-24 ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 6:2005/Cor 1:2007 CD-ROM version (en)
CHF 0,00
en PDF
CHF 0,00
ISO 19072-1:2007
Road vehicles -- Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections -- Part 1: Pocket interface definition
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 3
ICS: 43.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 48,00
en PDF
CHF 48,00
fr Paper
CHF 48,00
fr PDF
CHF 48,00
ISO/IEC 24707:2007
Information technology -- Common Logic (CL): a framework for a family of logic-based languages
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 32
ICS: 35.060
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 176,00
en PDF
CHF 176,00
ISO 9346:2007
Hygrothermal performance of buildings and building materials -- Physical quantities for mass transfer -- Vocabulary
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 163
ICS: 01.060; 27.220
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en,fr Paper
CHF 96,00
en,fr PDF
CHF 96,00
ISO 17510-2:2007
Sleep apnoea breathing therapy -- Part 2: Masks and application accessories
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 121/SC 3
ICS: 11.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 114,00
en PDF
CHF 114,00
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CHF 114,00
fr PDF
CHF 114,00
ISO 17510-1:2007
Sleep apnoea breathing therapy -- Part 1: Sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 121/SC 3
ICS: 11.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en PDF
CHF 126,00
en Paper
CHF 126,00
fr Paper
CHF 126,00
fr PDF
CHF 126,00
ISO 19072-2:2007
Road vehicles -- Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections -- Part 2: Test methods and general performance requirements
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 3
ICS: 43.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 96,00
en PDF
CHF 96,00
fr Paper
CHF 96,00
fr PDF
CHF 96,00
ISO 19338:2007
Performance and assessment requirements for design standards on structural concrete
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 71/SC 4
ICS: 91.080.40
Date of publication: 2007-09-25 en Paper
CHF 72,00
en PDF
CHF 72,00
fr Paper
CHF 72,00
fr PDF
CHF 72,00
ISO/IEC TR 11172-5:1998/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-25
ISO 21535:2007
Non-active surgical implants -- Joint replacement implants -- Specific requirements for hip-joint replacement implants
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 150/SC 4
ICS: 11.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-09-26 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 21536:2007
Non-active surgical implants -- Joint replacement implants -- Specific requirements for knee-joint replacement implants
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 150/SC 4
ICS: 11.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-09-26 en Paper
CHF 48,00
en PDF
CHF 48,00
fr Paper
CHF 48,00
fr PDF
CHF 48,00
ISO 21534:2007
Non-active surgical implants -- Joint replacement implants -- Particular requirements
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 150/SC 4
ICS: 11.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-09-26 en Paper
CHF 78,00
en PDF
CHF 78,00
fr Paper
CHF 78,00
fr PDF
CHF 78,00
ISO/IEC TR 14165-117:2007
Information technology -- Fibre Channel -- Part 117: Methodologies for jitter and signal quality (MJSQ)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 25
ICS: 35.200
Date of publication: 2007-09-26 en Paper
CHF 258,00
en PDF
CHF 258,00
ISO 12460-1:2007
Wood-based panels -- Determination of formaldehyde release -- Part 1: Formaldehyde emission by the 1-cubic-metre chamber method
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 89
ICS: 79.060.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en PDF
CHF 96,00
en Paper
CHF 96,00
fr PDF
CHF 96,00
fr Paper
CHF 96,00
ISO 6194-1:2007
Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating elastomeric sealing elements -- Part 1: Nominal dimensions and tolerances
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 131/SC 7
ICS: 23.100.60; 83.140.50
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en Paper
CHF 78,00
en PDF
CHF 78,00
fr Paper
CHF 78,00
fr PDF
CHF 78,00
ISO 5925-1:2007
Fire tests -- Smoke-control door and shutter assemblies -- Part 1: Ambient- and medium-temperature leakage tests
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 92/SC 2
ICS: 13.220.20; 13.220.50; 91.060.50
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 72,00
en Paper
CHF 72,00
ISO 22662:2007
Milk and milk products -- Determination of lactose content by high-performance liquid chromatography (Reference method)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 34/SC 5
ICS: 67.100.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 23815-1:2007
Cranes -- Maintenance -- Part 1: General
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 96/SC 5
ICS: 53.020.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 48,00
en Paper
CHF 48,00
fr PDF
CHF 48,00
fr Paper
CHF 48,00
ISO 23813:2007
Cranes -- Training of appointed persons
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 96/SC 5
ICS: 03.100.30; 53.020.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-13
ISO/TS 22475-3:2007
Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Sampling methods and groundwater measurements -- Part 3: Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third party
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 182/SC 1
ICS: 03.100.30; 03.120.20; 93.020
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 64,00
en PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 13628-11:2007
Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Design and operation of subsea production systems -- Part 11: Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 67/SC 4
ICS: 75.180.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en Paper
CHF 258,00
en PDF
CHF 258,00
ISO/IEC TR 24741:2007
Information technology -- Biometrics tutorial
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 37
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 154,00
en PDF
CHF 154,00
ISO 24535:2007
Intelligent transport systems -- Automatic vehicle identification -- Basic electronic registration identification (Basic ERI)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 204
ICS: 03.220.20; 35.240.60
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en PDF
CHF 72,00
en Paper
CHF 72,00
ISO 20712-2:2007
Water safety signs and beach safety flags -- Part 2: Specifications for beach safety flags -- Colour, shape, meaning and performance
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 145/SC 2
ICS: 01.080.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 56,00
en Paper
CHF 56,00
ISO 14397-1:2007
Earth-moving machinery -- Loaders and backhoe loaders -- Part 1: Calculation of rated operating capacity and test method for verifying calculated tipping load
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 127/SC 1
ICS: 53.100
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 90,00
en PDF
CHF 90,00
fr Paper
CHF 90,00
fr PDF
CHF 90,00
ISO 14397-2:2007
Earth-moving machinery -- Loaders and backhoe loaders -- Part 2: Test method for measuring breakout forces and lift capacity to maximum lift height
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 127/SC 1
ICS: 53.100
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 56,00
en PDF
CHF 56,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
fr PDF
CHF 64,00
ISO 16532-2:2007
Paper and board -- Determination of grease resistance -- Part 2: Surface repellency test
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 6/SC 2
ICS: 85.060
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 48,00
en PDF
CHF 48,00
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CHF 48,00
fr PDF
CHF 48,00
ISO 22034-1:2007
Steel wire and wire products -- Part 1: General test methods
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 17/SC 17
ICS: 77.140.65
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 56,00
en PDF
CHF 56,00
ISO 22034-2:2007
Steel wire and wire products -- Part 2: Tolerances on wire dimensions
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 17/SC 17
ICS: 77.140.65
Date of publication: 2007-09-18
ISO 15529:2007
Optics and photonics -- Optical transfer function -- Principles of measurement of modulation transfer function (MTF) of sampled imaging systems
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 172/SC 1
ICS: 17.180.01
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en Paper
CHF 108,00
en PDF
CHF 108,00
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CHF 108,00
fr PDF
CHF 108,00
ISO 22555:2007
Ships and marine technology -- Propeller pitch indicators
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 8/SC 6
ICS: 47.020.70
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 48,00
en Paper
CHF 48,00
ISO 22554:2007
Ships and marine technology -- Propeller shaft revolution indicators -- Electric type and electronic type
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 8/SC 6
ICS: 47.020.70
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 64,00
en Paper
CHF 64,00
ISO 23145-1:2007
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) -- Determination of bulk density of ceramic powders -- Part 1: Tap density
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 206
ICS: 81.060.30
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 48,00
en Paper
CHF 48,00
ISO/TS 11073-92001:2007
Health informatics -- Medical waveform format -- Part 92001: Encoding rules
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 215
ICS: 35.240.80
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 132,00
en PDF
CHF 132,00
ISO 12944-5:2007
Paints and varnishes -- Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems -- Part 5: Protective paint systems
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 35/SC 14
ICS: 87.020
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 114,00
en PDF
CHF 114,00
fr Paper
CHF 114,00
fr PDF
CHF 114,00
ISO 10110-14:2007
Optics and photonics -- Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems -- Part 14: Wavefront deformation tolerance
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 172/SC 1
ICS: 01.100.20; 37.020
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 64,00
en Paper
CHF 64,00
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CHF 64,00
fr Paper
CHF 64,00
ISO/TS 25377:2007
Hydrometric uncertainty guidance (HUG)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 113
ICS: 17.120.20
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 154,00
en PDF
CHF 154,00
ISO 11992-2:2003/Amd 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 3
ICS: 43.040.15
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en PDF
CHF 108,00
en Paper
CHF 108,00
ISO 20957-10:2007
Stationary training equipment -- Part 10: Exercise bicycles with a fixed wheel or without freewheel, additional specific safety requirements and test methods
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 83
ICS: 97.220.30
Date of publication: 2007-09-13
ISO 1856:2000/Amd 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 45/SC 4
ICS: 83.100
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 16,00
en Paper
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CHF 16,00
fr Paper
CHF 16,00
ISO 1893:2007
Refractory products -- Determination of refractoriness under load -- Differential method with rising temperature
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 33
ICS: 81.080
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 72,00
en Paper
CHF 72,00
ISO/IEC 21000-5:2004/Amd 2:2007
DAC (Dissemination And Capture) profile
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 126,00
en PDF
CHF 126,00
ISO/IEC 23004-4:2007
Information technology -- Multimedia Middleware -- Part 4: Resource and quality management
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 146,00
en Paper
CHF 146,00
ISO/IEC 23004-3:2007
Information technology -- Multimedia Middleware -- Part 3: Component model
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 258,00
en Paper
CHF 258,00
ISO/IEC 23004-1:2007
Information technology -- Multimedia Middleware -- Part 1: Architecture
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 216,00
en Paper
CHF 216,00
ISO/IEC 28360:2007
Information technology -- Office equipment -- Determination of chemical emission rates from electronic equipment
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 28
ICS: 37.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-09-10 en PDF
CHF 120,00
en Paper
CHF 120,00
ISO 3008:2007
Fire-resistance tests -- Door and shutter assemblies
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 92/SC 2
ICS: 13.220.50; 91.060.50
Date of publication: 2007-09-13 en PDF
CHF 146,00
en Paper
CHF 146,00
ISO 13318-2:2007
Determination of particle size distribution by centrifugal liquid sedimentation methods -- Part 2: Photocentrifuge method
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 24/SC 4
ICS: 19.120
Date of publication: 2007-09-18 en Paper
CHF 90,00
en PDF
CHF 90,00
ISO/IEC 18046-3:2007
Information technology -- Radio frequency identification device performance test methods -- Part 3: Test methods for tag performance
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 31
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-09-13