ISO 17132:2007
Paints and varnishes -- T-bend test
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 35/SC 9
ICS: 87.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 3271:2007
Iron ores for blast furnace and direct reduction feedstocks -- Determination of the tumble and abrasion indices
Edition: 4 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 15088:2007
Water quality -- Determination of the acute toxicity of waste water to zebrafish eggs (Danio rerio)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 147/SC 5
ICS: 13.060.70
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 12575-2:2007
Thermal insulation products -- Exterior insulating systems for foundations -- Part 2: Principal responsibilities of installers
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 163/SC 3
ICS: 91.120.10
ISO 7789:2007
Hydraulic fluid power -- Two-, three- and four-port screw-in cartridge valves -- Cavities
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 131/SC 5
ICS: 23.100.50
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 8537:2007
Sterile single-use syringes, with or without needle, for insulin
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 84
ICS: 11.040.25
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 21930:2007
Sustainability in building construction -- Environmental declaration of building products
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 59/SC 17
ICS: 91.040.01
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 3547-5:2007
Plain bearings -- Wrapped bushes -- Part 5: Checking the outside diameter
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 123/SC 5
ICS: 21.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 3547-6:2007
Plain bearings -- Wrapped bushes -- Part 6: Checking the inside diameter
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 123/SC 5
ICS: 21.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 3547-7:2007
Plain bearings -- Wrapped bushes -- Part 7: Measurement of wall thickness of thin-walled bushes
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 123/SC 5
ICS: 21.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-01
ISO 10303-28:2007
Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 28: Implementation methods: XML representations of EXPRESS schemas and data, using XML schemas
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 184/SC 4
ICS: 25.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 11783-3:2007
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry -- Serial control and communications data network -- Part 3: Data link layer
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 23/SC 19
ICS: 35.240.99; 65.060.01
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO/IEC 13816:2007
Information technology -- Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces -- Programming language ISLISP
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 22
ICS: 35.060
Date of publication: 2007-10-01 en Paper
ISO 2936:2001/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 29/SC 10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 fr Paper
ISO 17165-1:2007
Hydraulic fluid power -- Hose assemblies -- Part 1: Dimensions and requirements
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 131/SC 4
ICS: 23.040.70
Date of publication: 2007-10-02 en Paper
ISO 15013:2007
Plastics -- Extruded sheets of polypropylene (PP) -- Requirements and test methods
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 61/SC 11
ICS: 83.140.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-02 en Paper
ISO 15527:2007
Plastics -- Compression-moulded sheets of polyethylene (PE-UHMW, PE-HD) -- Requirements and test methods
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 61/SC 11
ICS: 83.140.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-02 en PDF
ISO 15014:2007
Plastics -- Extruded sheets of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) -- Requirements and test methods
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 61/SC 11
ICS: 83.140.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-02 en Paper
ISO 15015:2007
Plastics -- Extruded sheets of impact-modified acrylonitrile-styrene copolymers (ABS, AEPDS and ASA) -- Requirements and test methods
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 61/SC 11
ICS: 83.140.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-02 en PDF
ISO 10770-3:2007
Hydraulic fluid power -- Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves -- Part 3: Test methods for pressure control valves
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 131/SC 8
ICS: 23.100.50
Date of publication: 2007-10-02
Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products -- Determination of resistance to abrasion at ambient temperature
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 33
ICS: 81.080
Date of publication: 2007-10-03 en Paper
ISO 10567:2007
Earth-moving machinery -- Hydraulic excavators -- Lift capacity
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 127/SC 1
ICS: 53.100
Date of publication: 2007-10-03 en PDF
ISO 9917-1:2007
Dentistry -- Water-based cements -- Part 1: Powder/liquid acid-base cements
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 106/SC 1
ICS: 11.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-03 en Paper
ISO 22642:2005/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 20/SC 13
ICS: 49.140
Date of publication: 2007-10-03 en Papel
ISO 11689:1996/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 43/SC 1
ICS: 17.140.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-03 en Paper
ISO 19332:2007
Oil of blue chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert syn. Matricaria chamomilla auct.)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 54
ISO/TR 8550-2:2007
Guidance on the selection and usage of acceptance sampling systems for inspection of discrete items in lots -- Part 2: Sampling by attributes
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 69/SC 5
ICS: 03.120.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-09 en Paper
ISO 15105-1:2007
Plastics -- Film and sheeting -- Determination of gas-transmission rate -- Part 1: Differential-pressure methods
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 61/SC 11
ICS: 83.140.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-09 en Paper
ISO/TS 14253-2:1999/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 213
ICS: 17.040.01
Date of publication: 2007-10-09 en Paper
ISO/TTA 5:2007
Code of practice for creep/fatigue testing of cracked components
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | VAMAS
ICS: 19.060
Date of publication: 2007-10-09 en Paper
ISO 12301:2007
Plain bearings -- Quality control techniques and inspection of geometrical and material quality characteristics
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 123/SC 5
ICS: 21.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-10 en Paper
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd 2:2007
Support for colour spaces
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-10 en Paper
ISO/IEC TR 14471:2007
Information technology -- Software engineering -- Guidelines for the adoption of CASE tools
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 7
ICS: 35.080
Date of publication: 2007-10-10 en Paper
ISO/IEC 23004-2:2007
Information technology -- Multimedia Middleware -- Part 2: Multimedia application programming interface (API)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-10 en PDF
ISO/IEC 23004-2:2007 CD-ROM version (en) CHF 314,00
ISO/IEC 23002-3:2007
Information technology -- MPEG video technologies -- Part 3: Representation of auxiliary video and supplemental information
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-10 en PDF
ISO/IEC 23002-3:2007 CD-ROM version (en) CHF 108,00
ISO 21460:2007
Space data and information transfer systems -- Proximity-1 space link protocol -- Physical layer
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 20/SC 13
ICS: 49.140
Date of publication: 2007-10-10
ISO 22663:2007
Space data and information transfer systems -- Proximity-1 space link protocol -- Data link layer
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 20/SC 13
ICS: 49.140
Date of publication: 2007-10-10 en Paper
ISO 21909:2005/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 85/SC 2
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 fr Paper
ISO 748:2007
Hydrometry -- Measurement of liquid flow in open channels using current-meters or floats
Edition: 4 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 113/SC 1
ICS: 17.120.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO 14501:2007
Milk and milk powder -- Determination of aflatoxin M1 content -- Clean-up by immunoaffinity chromatography and determination by high-performance liquid chromatography
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 34/SC 5
ICS: 67.100.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO 16369:2007
Elevating work platforms -- Mast-climbing work platforms
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 214
ICS: 53.020.99
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO 24254:2007
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) -- Family E (internal combustion engine oils) -- Specifications for oils for use in four-stroke cycle motorcycle gasoline engines and associated drivetrains (categories EMA and EMB)
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 28/SC 4
ICS: 75.100
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO 5981:2007
Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics -- Determination of resistance to combined shear flexing and rubbing
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 45/SC 4
ICS: 59.080.40
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO 11611:2007
Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 94/SC 13
ICS: 13.340.10; 25.160.01
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO 23910:2007
Leather -- Physical and mechanical tests -- Measurement of stitch tear resistance
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | IULTCS
ICS: 59.140.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO 22306:2007
Fibre-reinforced cement pipe, joints and fittings for gravity systems
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 77
ICS: 91.100.40; 91.140.80
Date of publication: 2007-10-11
ICS: 71.100.60
Date of publication: 2007-10-09 en Paper
ISO 21650:2007
Actions from waves and currents on coastal structures
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 98/SC 3
ICS: 91.080.01
Date of publication: 2007-10-09 en Paper
ISO 20918:2007
Road vehicles -- Braking threshold pressures for heavy commercial vehicle combinations with fully pneumatic braking systems -- Test with roller brake tester
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 2
ICS: 43.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-10-09 en Paper
ISO 22196:2007
Plastics -- Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics surfaces
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 61/SC 6
ICS: 83.080.01
Date of publication: 2007-10-09 en Paper
ISO 23552-1:2007
Safety and control devices for gas and/or oil burners and gas and/or oil appliances -- Particular requirements -- Part 1: Fuel/air ratio controls, electronic type
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 161
ICS: 27.060.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-09
ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/Amd 5:2007
Bit rates of fc/64, fc/32 and fc/16
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 17
ICS: 35.240.15
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO/IEC 7816-2:2007
Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 2: Cards with contacts -- Dimensions and location of the contacts
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 17
ICS: 35.240.15
Date of publication: 2007-10-11 en Paper
ISO 28004:2007
Security management systems for the supply chain -- Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 8
ICS: 47.020.99
Date of publication: 2007-10-12 en Paper
ISO 702-2:2007
Machine tools -- Connecting dimensions of spindle noses and work holding chucks -- Part 2: Camlock type
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 39/SC 8
ICS: 25.060.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO 702-3:2007
Machine tools -- Connecting dimensions of spindle noses and work holding chucks -- Part 3: Bayonet type
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 39/SC 8
ICS: 25.060.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO/IEC TR 25021:2007
Software engineering -- Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Quality measure elements
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 7
ICS: 35.080
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO 10527:2007
CIE standard colorimetric observers
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | CIE
ICS: 17.180.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO 16253:2007
Watch-cases and accessories -- Vapour phase deposited coatings
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 114/SC 6
ICS: 39.040.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO 16392:2007
Tyres -- Electrical resistance -- Test method for measuring electrical resistance of tyres on a test rig
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 31
ICS: 83.160.01
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO 10526:2007
CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | CIE
ICS: 17.180.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-15
ISO 16107:2007
Workplace atmospheres -- Protocol for evaluating the performance of diffusive samplers
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 146/SC 2
ICS: 13.040.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO 5832-14:2007
Implants for surgery -- Metallic materials -- Part 14: Wrought titanium 15-molybdenum 5-zirconium 3-aluminium alloy
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 150/SC 1
ICS: 11.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Cor 6:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-15 en Paper
ISO 14557:2002/Amd 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 45/SC 1
ICS: 13.220.10; 83.140.40
Date of publication: 2007-10-16 en Paper
ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 9:2006/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-16 en PDF
ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 9:2006/Cor 1:2007 CD-ROM version (en) CHF 0,00
ISO 19132:2007
Geographic information -- Location-based services -- Reference model
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 211
ICS: 35.240.70
Date of publication: 2007-10-16 en Paper
ISO/IEC 13818-1:2007
Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-16 en Paper
ISO 17561:2002/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 206
ICS: 81.060.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-16 en Paper
ISO 2171:2007
Cereals, pulses and by-products -- Determination of ash yield by incineration
Edition: 4 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 34/SC 4
ICS: 67.060
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO 4306-1:2007
Cranes -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: General
Edition: 4 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 96/SC 2
ICS: 01.040.53; 53.020.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-22
ISO 21138-1:2007
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage -- Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) -- Part 1: Material specifications and performance criteria for pipes, fittings and system
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 138/SC 1
ICS: 23.040.20; 23.040.45; 91.140.80; 93.030
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO 21138-2:2007
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage -- Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) -- Part 2: Pipes and fittings with smooth external surface, Type A
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 138/SC 1
ICS: 23.040.20; 23.040.45; 91.140.80; 93.030
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO 6743-15:2007
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) -- Classification -- Part 15: Family E (Internal combustion engine oils)
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 28/SC 4
ICS: 75.100
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO 16454:2007
Space systems -- Structural design -- Stress analysis requirements
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 20/SC 14
ICS: 49.140
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO/IEC 8825-1:2002/Amd 2:2007
Time type support
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 6
ICS: 35.100.60
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO/TS 16976-1:2007
Respiratory protective devices -- Human factors -- Part 1: Metabolic rates and respiratory flow rates
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 94/SC 15
ICS: 13.340.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO 14625:2007
Space systems -- Ground support equipment for use at launch, landing or retrieval sites -- General requirements
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 20/SC 14
ICS: 49.100; 49.140
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO 18225:2007
Plastics piping systems -- Multilayer piping systems for outdoor gas installations -- Specifications for systems
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 138/SC 4
ICS: 23.040.20; 23.040.45; 75.200
Date of publication: 2007-10-22 en Paper
ISO 14113:2007
Gas welding equipment -- Rubber and plastics hose and hose assemblies for use with industrial gases up to 450 bar (45 MPa)
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 44/SC 8
ICS: 25.160.30; 83.140.40
Date of publication: 2007-10-23 en Paper
ISO 21138-3:2007
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage -- Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) -- Part 3: Pipes and fittings with non-smooth external surface, Type B
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 138/SC 1
ICS: 23.040.20; 23.040.45; 91.140.80; 93.030
Date of publication: 2007-10-23
ISO 11833-1:2007
Plastics -- Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) sheets -- Types, dimensions and characteristics -- Part 1: Sheets of thickness not less than 1 mm
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 61/SC 11
ICS: 83.140.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-23 en Paper
ISO/TR 14646:2007
Road vehicles -- Side impact testing of child restraint systems -- Review of background data and test methods, and conclusions from the ISO work as of November 2005
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22/SC 12
ICS: 43.040.80
Date of publication: 2007-10-23 en Paper
ISO 28001:2007
Security management systems for the supply chain -- Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans -- Requirements and guidance
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 8/SC 11
ICS: 47.020.99
Date of publication: 2007-10-23 en Paper
ISO 11843-2:2000/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 69/SC 6
ICS: 03.120.30; 17.020
Date of publication: 2007-10-23 en Paper
ISO 3522:2007
Aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Castings -- Chemical composition and mechanical properties
Edition: 4 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 79/SC 7
ICS: 77.150.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-23 en Paper
ISO 11140-3:2007/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 198
Date of publication: 2007-10-23 en Paper
ISO 12234-1:2007
Electronic still-picture imaging -- Removable memory -- Part 1: Basic removable-memory model
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 42
ICS: 37.040.99
Date of publication: 2007-10-24 en Paper
ISO 15242-4:2007
Rolling bearings -- Measuring methods for vibration -- Part 4: Radial cylindrical roller bearings with cylindrical bore and outside surface
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 4
ICS: 21.100.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-25 en Paper
ISO 1167-3:2007
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids -- Determination of the resistance to internal pressure -- Part 3: Preparation of components
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 138/SC 5
ICS: 23.040.20; 23.040.45
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 10285:2007
Rolling bearings -- Sleeve type linear ball bearings -- Boundary dimensions and tolerances
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 4/SC 11
ICS: 21.100.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-30
ISO 1167-4:2007
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids -- Determination of the resistance to internal pressure -- Part 4: Preparation of assemblies
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 138/SC 5
ICS: 23.040.20; 23.040.45
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 9249:2007
Earth-moving machinery -- Engine test code -- Net power
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 127/SC 1
ICS: 53.100
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 13930:2007
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks -- Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by dynamic method
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 7992:2007
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks -- Determination of reduction under load
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 7215:2007
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks -- Determination of the reducibility by the final degree of reduction index
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 4695:2007
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks -- Determination of the reducibility by the rate of reduction index
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 11258:2007
Iron ores for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks -- Determination of the reducibility index, final degree of reduction and degree of metallization
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 19993:2007
Timber structures -- Glued laminated timber -- Face and edge joint cleavage test
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 165
ICS: 91.080.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 4698:2007
Iron ore pellets for blast furnace feedstocks -- Determination of the free-swelling index
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 11256:2007
Iron ore pellets for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks -- Determination of the clustering index
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30
ISO 4252:2007
Agricultural tractors -- Operator's workplace, access and exit -- Dimensions
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 23/SC 4
ICS: 65.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO 6621-1:2007
Internal combustion engines -- Piston rings -- Part 1: Vocabulary
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 22
ICS: 01.040.43; 43.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO/IEC 15938-6:2003/Amd 2:2007
Reference software of perceptual 3D shape descriptor
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en PDF
ISO/IEC 15938-6:2003/Amd 2:2007 CD-ROM version (en)
ISO 13584-26:2000/Amd 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 184/SC 4
ICS: 25.040.40
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO/IEC 15938-7:2003/Amd 3:2007
Conformance testing of perceptual 3D shape descriptor
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 29
ICS: 35.040
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en PDF
ISO/IEC 15938-7:2003/Amd 3:2007 CD-ROM version (en)
ISO 30061:2007
Emergency lighting
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | CIE
ICS: 91.160.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001/Amd 1:2005/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 17
ICS: 35.240.15
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999/Cor 2:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 24
ICS: 35.140
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO/IEC 8824-2:2002/Cor 2:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 6
ICS: 35.100.60
Date of publication: 2007-10-30 en Paper
ISO/TR 29901:2007
Selected illustrations of full factorial experiments with four factors
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 69
ICS: 03.120.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-30
ISO 4696-2:2007
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks -- Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by static method -- Part 2: Reduction with CO and N2
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO 4696-1:2007
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks -- Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by static method -- Part 1: Reduction with CO, CO2, H2 and N2
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO 11257:2007
Iron ores for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks -- Determination of the low-temperature reduction-disintegration index and degree of metallization
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 102/SC 3
ICS: 73.060.10
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO 10993-12:2007
Biological evaluation of medical devices -- Part 12: Sample preparation and reference materials
Edition: 3 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 194
ICS: 11.100.20
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO 23041:2007
Space systems -- Unmanned spacecraft operational procedures -- Documentation
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 20/SC 14
ICS: 49.140
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO/IEC 7816-15:2004/Amd 1:2007
Examples of the use of the cryptographic information application
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 17
ICS: 35.240.15
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO 5999:2007
Flexible cellular polymeric materials -- Polyurethane foam for load-bearing applications excluding carpet underlay -- Specification
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 45/SC 4
ICS: 83.100
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO 23600:2007
Assistive products for persons with vision impairments and persons with vision and hearing impairments -- Acoustic and tactile signals for pedestrian traffic lights
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 173
ICS: 11.180.15; 11.180.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO 18213-2:2007
Nuclear fuel technology -- Tank calibration and volume determination for nuclear materials accountancy -- Part 2: Data standardization for tank calibration
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 85/SC 5
ICS: 27.120.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO 18213-1:2007
Nuclear fuel technology -- Tank calibration and volume determination for nuclear materials accountancy -- Part 1: Procedural overview
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 85/SC 5
ICS: 27.120.30
Date of publication: 2007-10-31
ISO 16322-2:2005/Cor 1:2007
Edition: 1 | Stage: 60.60 | TC 38/SC 2
ICS: 59.080.01
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
ISO/IEC 17343:2007
Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Corporate telecommunication networks -- Signalling interworking between QSIG and SIP -- Basic services
Edition: 2 | Stage: 60.60 | JTC 1/SC 6
ICS: 33.040.35
Date of publication: 2007-10-31 en Paper
Reducing the risk of errors in medical laboratories with updated
International Standard
Never before have reliability and accuracy been so important for medical
laboratories. Robust risk management processes are the best defence against
4 years ago